Sell me on PNW boots
I've been wanting a pair of Wesco Jobmasters for a while, and I currently own Thorogood boots. Why should I pay so much more for the handmade ones? Is it primarily due to the more custom fit? I can rebuild my Thorogood boots for around $100.
I'm definitely going to get a pair of PNW boots, but I'm trying to justify the expense in my head. Obviously, the quality would be much higher with a PNW-style boot compared to those from big-box stores.
Also are boots like the jobmaster with honey soles, are they rough to walk a lot with? Coming from the wedge sole where there's loads of cushion I wasn't sure if the heal stack made it feel like walking with wood boards as shoes.
EDIT: WHEN the time comes I plan on going to Bakers as I've heard great things plus the wife would like a vacation! 😅