Playstation 3 UI was WAY ahead of its time
Like, every time I boor up my PS3 I'm always blown away by how clean & modern the user interface looks despite this being nearly 20 years old at this point.
Like, if someone wiped my memory & presented me with the PS3 user interface and told me this was the latest system that Sony were working on, I wouldn't bat an eye at it.
Meanwhile, compare that with the Xbox 360 UI that it had back in 2006 or the Nintendo Wii UI, you can see clear as day those ones are very dated and don't hold a candle to the PS3. I've even attached screenshots to show what I'm talking about.
The Xbox 360 looks very blocky & cluttered with those tabs separated by those ugly looking blade things on the side. And the Wii has those big blocky icons that honestly remind me of one of those original iPhone models, there is seriously no reason for those icons to be that big. It looks like it would be a nightmare to navigate one of those menus. You can tell Microsoft and Nintendo was far from perfecting their menus back in 2006. Meanwhile, the PS3 looks clean, crisp & timeless with those gray icons & the tabs separated nicely. It still looks very nice, even today.