I have beaten all sorts of decks with this special one I made, and let me tell y'all it can beat like any deck in the game (once you get used to it, and if you get lucky with the evolution.)
Basically Alakazam does 60 damage but 30+ more damage to how many energy is attached, meaning it can do crazy damage to mewtwo decks, and basically all the big EX cards that take a lot of time to build..yet also easily knock out smaller cards once you build Alakazam. So that's why the Jynx card is in there, so you can have some fun with that pokemon as you get the main attacker in. Jynx does 30 damage, but 20+ more for each energy is attached too.
I will admit the Pikachu EX decks can be a hit or miss, but I have beaten them with this deck, I think it just depends how lucky you get..but you Definitely get a good shot at winning.
Have fun!