Cyrus kind of hurts the game for me
Dont get me wrong, I hated the stall meta. I actually really like that stall decks are getting punished. But I miss being able to survive and outplay my opponent when I draw a bad hand and they draw the perfect cards. Which is even more prominent in the new meta.
Before if I had a bad hand, I'd use a lot switching out, losing a point when I would need to, and just survive until I get the cards I needed. It felt like I was rewarded for balancing on an edge. I love using off meta decks and really outplaying. Now if a meta deck gets a good hand off rip and does early damage, no amount of switching out and outplaying will do anything cuz eventually they will Cyrus and get their kill. It kind of just makes me want to play grass decks cuz at least I get Erika so if I do get low early, I have a fast heal to get out of it so Cyrus doesn't get a free point.
Meta feels even more luck of the draw to me now. But of course this is only my opinion very early on into a new meta. I will learn and build decks that will adapt, but having Darkrai and Lucario being so fast early damage has been hurting me a lot with the combo of Cyrus.
Just curious how y'all are feeling about it