Cyrus is the ultimate EX equaliser, and might push the meta towards fewer EXs.

The game's meta heavily favored EXs due to point efficiency. EX cards are stronger but in exchange, losing them costs you 2 points. As such, losing 2 EX doesn't hurt you anymore than losing 1 EX + 1 regular pokemon.

However, the game is set up so that it's somewhat difficult to punish EX because of the plethora of retreat options available. Leaf for example heavily protects EX since it trivialises retreat costs, allowing you to tank with EX before retreating it to safety.

Cyrus creates an equaliser for this. Any EX on the bench that has damage on it, but is not ready to be placed in active, is now always vulnerable. In addition, the game released a lot of pokemons that damage the bench, meaning it's now possible, with Cyrus, to easily force your opponents to bring their pokemon that you prefer in the active spot.

This both significantly increases the value of pokemons that can attack the bench (previously somewhat undervalued besides a few niche cards like Hitmonlee), and also decreases the value of EXs that need build up. The 2 knockout points from EX will actually hurt much more compared to before because of how easy it is to force them to the active spot.

With that said, this also then favors EXs that can heal themselves, and also EXs that require fewer energy resources to get going. This will mean cards like Exeggutor will become quite strong in this meta, especially with tools like Rocky helmet, because it doesn't need much to get going and it's also more difficult to punish with Cyrus.