If your suggestion involves allowing players to gain better rewards...

It will never happen. I see a lot of suggestions like:

- we should get more trade tokens

- they should fix trading

- we should get more timers

- they should add a ladder

- they should add ranked and have decent rewards

- better event rewards

- more events

None of these will ever happen. The entire point of the game is to give players as little as possible while making sure its just enough for them not to quit. Any suggestion that involves somehow giving players more cards or better rewards will never, ever be added to the game. It goes against everything the game is designed around. This game is specifically designed to piss you off enough to spend money. if a suggestion makes it possible to spend less money or the experience less frustrating, its not happening. you are SUPPOSED to be frustrated.

Also any suggestion about adding more gameplay modes is pointless as that would mean players might have the opportunity to gain cards. This obviously is a horrible idea for shareholders and would never be approved. Remember; you arent supposed to enjoy the game. youre supposed to spend money on it.

You are not who this game is designed for. If every single f2p quit immediately it would not impact the game in any way as long as whales keep dumping billions of dollars into the game. There is no reason for any suggestion to be approved if it benefits f2p players because they are literally worthless compared to paying customers. Unless your idea directly generates more money, save your breath. This game is quite literally not for you and you might as well quit now because it wont ever get more f2p friendly.