Actually had a really positive panic attack experience? (If that's possible)

I work in a hospital and today I had one of those bad panic attacks. The kind that creep up on you that you try to ignore until it almost causes you to faint.

Co-worker A found me sitting in the hallway holding my head between my knees, and helped me up to the recovery room nurses.

Recovery room nurses got me on a big comfy chair, took my vitals. BP 150/90, not great but I wasn't going to die. This nurse sat with me giving me popsicles and checking my BP until it started to come down. Explaining physical mechanisms of panic attacks and the symptoms the whole time.

Then co-worker A took me upstairs to our break room so I could get my Ativan. Co-worker B sat on the floor with me and played the Alphabet Game for an hour until I felt like I could actually make it home.

Honestly, if it was an option for everyone with panic disorder to have a panic attack accompanied by medical professionals the whole time, I think it would be really helpful treatment.

The panic attack I had was awful, but knowing the entire time that if I drop dead there's people everywhere to help me, and having reassurance from medical staff that I wasn't going to die actually made me feel safe and less afraid of my panic attacks.

The physical sensations were still there, but it was bizarre to feel so unafraid of this panic attack.

I actually think this has been a really helpful experience.