Extremely disturbing story involving reptilians
Hi everyone, I recently got to privately talking to someone online who claimed to have been raped by reptilians. This person has also had (or claims to have had) some unusual, disturbing, and fantastic-seeming experiences with many species of exotic beings during astral projections. I thought that their story was compelling so I asked if they would be okay with me posting it publicly. They eventually said yes and wrote an edited version of their original story to maintain their anonymity better. Here it is.
[Warning: This story involves a child and violence/sexual assault]
This happened the summer when i was 8 years old, my parents signed me up for a summer school. Whenever i would go, I'd always hear ringing in my ears, there'd be an intense heavy feeling above my head that made me feel dizzy and I'd see shadow figures in my peripherals
Both my parents were working late, so they asked me to ride my bike back home. It wasn't a dangerous request, we lived in quite a small town.
My parents specifically told me to come straight home, and that i wasn't allowed to play on my friends trampoline like i usually do.
After about five mins of cycling,
there was a massive storm. The biggest one on i had ever seen in my life. It was thundering down with rain, the wind made it hard to keep steady on my bike. And strangely, it seemed to have come out of nowhere.
Normally when theres a storm, the sky slowly gets darker, the rain starts lightly then gets heavier, the wind picks up. it doesn't all happen at once, right?
It was nearly cartoonish how quickly the colour of the sky changed. Even as an 8 year old, i was quite concerned.
I decided to wait outside of a local pub. As i waited under the roof of the front porch, i could hear laughter and chatter of familiar voices, particularly my neighbours who live nearly directly opposite me
which was weird, because i couldn't see anyone inside at all. just empty tables. i pressed my nose against the glass, looking for where the noise could be coming from when i heard a gruff, throaty sounding voice.
i turned around and there was a reptilian Infront of me, extremely tall, maybe 7+ foot. I think. but sometimes i wonder if he was actually that tall, or he just appeared tall because i was 8.
"Nice day?" he asked.
i was in absolute shock and horror and i opened my mouth to say something but i had lost my ability to speak. another reptilian, slightly taller than him appeared beside him as long as 4 smaller ones (probably children) behind them.
They started to talk in what i assume to be their language
it didn't sound... phonetically like any human language, which is to be expected as i assume they have a completely different mouth, tongue, voicebox etc to us . the closest thing i can use to describe it is tibetan throat singing. it didn't sound like he was talking with his tongue, more like his throat.
He picked me up with the back of my shirt and placed me on the table. the pub looked completely different. it seemed the tables had been rearranged to be like those operating beds in hospitals, they all crowded around me and the tallest one held me down
i started to feel very lightheaded but for some reason i was able to talk again so i screamed. i was scared shitless so i screamed and screamed and cried but they continued their conversation in their language, occasionally sparing me a few glances whenever i screamed really loud.
the reptilian (first one i saw) switched back to English and asked in a very [cartoonishly sinister] sounding manner, "human, are you impotent?"
i had no idea what impotent was but it sounded bad so i shook my head rapidly.
they gave each other one last glance and then it began. they pulled down my waist band and started to penetrate me.
i was screaming and crying because of the pain but it was almost as if they couldn't hear me at all.
the rape continued for hours. and they were prodding and poking at my body in other ways, like my face, they seemed quite interested in it and moved it. at this point i could barely even think, my mind felt so cloudy.
after they finished they pulled me up the same way they pulled me in in. by the back of my shirt. they tried to make me stand upright but i was too weak. i passed out
when I woke up I was in my garage, I had a nosebleed that dripped down my chin and my lower body was soaked in multiple fluids
I stared at the wall for what seemed to be a few seconds but it must have been a while as when I blinked, I could hear my dad entering the pin to the garage
I looked down and all the blood had vanished. All that was left were bruises and my nosebleed.
My dad was mad at me because he thought I got the nosebleed from playing on the trampoline with my friend. The words were barely registering though, I was still processing what happened.
the next morning, i went into my parents room.
when I looked out the window, I saw my neighbours waving at me. they were completely perpendicular to my window, with eerie smiles plastered on their faces, on the sidewalk waving like they knew i was going to be there.
after the incident, things permanently changed for me.
I would have horrible lucid nightmares and sleep paralysis, time would be extremely distorted for me, entire days of my life would disappear. hours felt like minutes
i became extremely paranoid, even the smallest sound was enough to send my heart racing and make me feel dizzy and nauseous. my hands would tremor
uncontrollably, causing me to drop objects or mess up my writing/drawing.
when i thought about what happened too much, id have migraines, i had a hard time putting together the memories, they weren't cohesive. I'd always have a metallic/staticy taste in my mouth and wake up with strange marks/bruises all over my body.
i had also become weirdly superstitious. i had this weird voice in my head that would tell me to do stuff. like these random compulsions that were unshakeable, i guess you could say intrusive/impulsive thoughts?
i would hear "if you dont wash your hands x number of times, when you turn around they'll be there" and out of fear, I'd comply, id wash my hands until they were dry and sore. the thoughts became more and more bizarre, and i became more and more obedient, I'd go to the park and eat the soil, and tie and untie my shoelaces for hours because I was afraid of what would happen if i didn't listen.
[I was extremely intrigued, assuming the story is true, and asked a ton of questions in the course of our conversation. I copied/pasted selected portions of our conversation below, with their permission.]
[Q] I still don't have all my thoughts organized because if your story is true it might only be possible in a world where the situation/"conspiracy" [note: I was referring to the so-called alleged "cosmic conspiracy" wherein exotic beings (i.e., aliens), exotic technology, etc. are suppressed and known about by only a few people in society] is even more wild than I understood it to be and I'm just trying to wrap my mind around that a bit. But your story is horrific and I'm just so sorry that happened... like wtf... It is one of the more crazy stories I've heard in terms of this general subject. I can't imagine your life after age 8 with that having happened to you. Please feel free to tell me anything else you'd like about what happened, or what things were like for you afterwards or what else you experienced around that time. [...] Obviously it would be explosive, world changing, if, hypothetically, there were proof of what happened and I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for you to be in that situation and not be able to tell people.
[A] i completely understand how you feel, ive been where you are now. i refer to it as the honeymoon phase. it's bonkers right? like feeling completely powerless, feeling like a needle in a haystack, knowing all of this stuff and knowing you realistically cant do shit about it, while simultaneously not even knowing if you really believe it or not, but at the same time you just wanna run and tell anyone , but at the same time its so exciting and you can't believe youre living in this world and its just so overwhelmingly mind boggling. that reality can be this twisted, this completely unbelievable. and realising that the difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense.
[Q] At the time when you were 8, had you heard of any alleged real (non-fictional) non-human intelligent beings before that? Such as aliens, cryptids in the wild, etc.? Had you heard of shapeshifting beings before that? What context, if any, did you have for understanding what was happening?
[A] before this, i had never actually seen anything paranormal but i had most definitely heard of it! my dad isn't.. normal. bit of context: my dad is nigerian, he comes from the a tribe, that's well known for voodoo and paranormal activity n just witchcraft in general.
from a very young age, i always knew of the supernatural. one of my earliest memories is when i was around 5 , dad picked me up from daycare and i showed him a crossed out drawing. he asked what it was and i said it was a mermaid. he asked why i crossed it out. i told him my friend said mermaids weren't real and i remember he spent the whole car ride explaining to me that mermaids are real and how he saw one when he was a teen.
growing up i heard some crazy stories from my dad. i remember when i was 12 he told me the story of how he got into a horrific car crash, his leg came clean off but his father took him to a witch doctor and with magic, it was put back. he told me that he actually was planning on taking me to his village to have a ritual done so that i could awaken my abilities but he's glad he didn't as "I don't have sense in my head"
my dad also has been watching ancient aliens religiously since at least 2017, if he's ever had an alien experience, he's never told me.
there's alot of shapehifting in west african folklore so i never really doubted it existed.
when it happened, i tried not to think about it at all costs. the more i thought about it, the more vivid the flashbacks would be. i never thought it was aliens, i also didn't not think it was aliens. its kinda like when you tell yourself "don't think of elephants" you'll probably think of them, whether you want to or not. i was so focused on trying not to think of elephants that i never thought "what type of elephants?" hopefully this analogy made sense
[Q] Were you able to recall what happened during the incident with the beings right away? Or did you get therapy, hypnotic regression, etc. to remember more?
[A] after the day of the assault, i became extremely paranoid, my mind always on high alert, scanning every corner for those creatures, even the smallest sound was enough to set my heart racing, I'd start to feel dizzy and nauseous. My hands would often tremor uncontrollably, causing me to drop objects or ruin my writing/drawing
it was exhausting, i had also become very superstitious and would have compulsions i couldn't ignore, i would have this silly voice in my head that'd go "if you dont wash your hands 60 times, when you turn around they'll be there" and i would actually wash my hands 60 times because i was scared they'd be there. the voices would get more and more bizarre and i'd become more and more obedient, afraid of what might happen if i didn't comply. "go to the park with spoon and eat the soil" the worst one i remember was when i tied and untied my laces for nearly 4hours. my neck, hands and back hurt, i had a headache and was on the verge of tears, my dad kept on asking me what the hell was wrong but i just kept answering "tying my shoelaces".
i tried my best to convince myself it was a dream/i made it up. i had a hard time putting together the memories. they weren't cohesive, it was all jumbled and in the wrong order, when i thought about it too much it gave me a migraine.
I'd always have a metallic/staticky taste in my mouth and I'd wake up with strange marks/bruises all over my body
i had an extremely distorted perception of time as well. entire days would disappear , hours felt like minutes the world was like a carousel where I desperately wanted to get off, but it just keeps spinning. i would literally witness the clock spinning fast as hell
[Q] In general, is it your understanding (or your best guess) that your neighbor [Name] and her husband are (two of) the reptilian shapeshifters who attacked you? Or were the reptilians complete strangers (previously unknown to you) such that you don't know whether or not you had ever seen them in their human form? Like do you think maybe they were just passing through town for unrelated reasons, or they were people who happened to live in the same region and decided to target you? Did you see any of them again afterwards outside of those dreams/nightmare? Do you think they knew that they appeared in your dreams with you?
[A] i don't think the neighbors are reptilians. but there is DEFINITELY something off about them, but I don't know what. my parents used to make me cross the road every Christmas day to give them chocolates/wine and they would always have this uncanny vibe. like, soulless. there's nothing behind their eyes. maybe theyre inorganic beings created by the reptilians. like the zeta reptoids. theyre definitely linked to draconians have you ever heard of npc souls? i have a few images on them.
i think they know they haunt my dreams. pretty sure they like having that control over me. i don't think that theyre people that i know. i feel like I'd know, ive gotten pretty good at sensing energy since ive been astral projecting.
[Q] Do you have an idea where these individuals (whether in human or reptilian form) might be currently?
[A] i have no idea where they might be. probably off world.🤔
also reptilians can shapeshift into anything, not just humans but they are known for shifting into humans because well,.. what can they really gain from turning into a dog or a fish?
also they don't all live as humans 24/7. alot of draconians live as humans for a prolonged period of time but they go back to normal when they're arrived at their hq. the albino alpha draconians would never shape shift. they believe its an insult to them, to lower themselves to a "lower form of being".
[Q] I tried to summarize my understanding of the situation. Based on your experiences up to that point, does the following match your understanding of who these entities were:
They are a "type" of reptilians (possibly the only "type" found in human society on earth) that take on one of only two physical/biological forms, reptilian and human, and live as humans virtually 24/7 but also... have physical access to hidden(?) technological devices or means the likes of which have never been close to fully comprehended by publicly acknowledged science... and they use these abilities --- in a manner very similar to various of the alien abduction stories of 1950s through 90s --- for, among other things, so-called interdimensional transport between places and spaces in time, without creating duplicates or violating apparent causality in this reality (which maybe, to them, is not very difficult as it sounds) and to go back and freeze time, induce lost time, do sexual and transgressive medical experimentation like stuff to selected victims, clean up evidence, cause memory blocking and hypnotic direction-following in witnesses and/or victims, etc. etc. And that is basically their m.o., whether "for fun" or "for profit" it's not clear.
Is that about right? Anything to correct or to add?
[A] their m.o is to rule the universe, its kinda like a business+pleasure situation
[Q] [...] And, according to you, approximately six of these beings (reptilians) attacked you when you were 8 and that's what happened. And if there were hypothetically a hearing in a court of law in which interdimensional beings could be sued or put on trial for assault, rape, etc., (and the accused had to appear in person and you could question each other under oath in front of an unbiased jury, and you were somehow guaranteed protection from retaliation no matter your location or state of existence, etc.), you would swear that this is what happened and be able to point out who did it... right? Lol this ridiculous question is how I process things. But I'm also kind of serious bc it helps me understand your mindset better. Like would you be able to identify the beings? Would there be any reasons why you wouldn't want to openly accuse them?
[A] i totally understand how you feel, i recommend you just do what i did- Astral project. i mean, youve found out all this crazy information that you would have never thought possible just recently. abd you still don't know whether you believe it or not. why don't you see it for yourself? raise your vibration and open your third eye so you can go to the astral realm and go witness it yourself.
no matter how many experiences i tell you, or how many documents i send, or whether i swear under oath, im just a person online. I don't exist in your real world, only [on reddit], so how can you really be sure im telling the truth if you don't actually experience it??
go to king cassius' yt or Instagram, im sure you'll find a video that piques your interest. he talks about astral projection, he's had similar experiences to mine, if you want astral travel explained to you, he'll teach you more than i can!
[Q] I will definitely look up the videos and try stuff! I have a long play list of knowledge to absorb haha
I honestly don't even truly know what astral projection is tbh. And I've barely ever even tried to meditate or even do breathing exercises or any of that stuff. I have a LOT to learn...
[A] i really recommend looking into astral projection, reality and energy manipulation etc. i think it would interest you. meditation seems really hard and pointless at first, it feels impossible to calm your thoughts and can get annoying so heres some tips to get started:
• to clear your mind, think: "i wonder what my next thought will be" your brain finds it hard to think while thinking of a new thought
• use mudras (certain hand symbols that hold a certain vibration) alot if people say they're for more advanced meditators but i think certain ones can be really beneficial for beginners
• learn how to meditate without frequencies or guided meditations, dont make the same mistake i did, i learnt how to meditate only with frequencies and now i find it really hard to just meditate in pure silence
•if you do use a frequency, make sure its a frequency of the chakra you want to unlock, eg: if you wanna unlock your throat chakra, search up throat chakra frequency in yt and put one on in the background
[Q] "he told me that he actually was planning on taking me to his village to have a ritual done so that i could awaken my abilities" wow, so he was considering taking you to develop your psychic powers! [...] I'm curious, do you think with his experience and knowledge and connections to practitioners in Nigeria, if you had conveyed what happened at the time, would he/they have been able to do anything to help you?
[A] hmm, im really not sure if they would've been able to do anything. i know my dad knows that aliens exist but im not sure if that's a common belief there or only him. astral projection and meditation is a huge part of the culture there, and they believe in alot of stuff that others wouldn't even consider to be real, but I've never really seen any link [...]
[Q] Also, do you think the beings targeted you because of some spiritual or psychic thing related to your family familiarity, so to speak, with the paranormal?
[A] i think its possible that i was targeted because of family, ive heard alot of stories about alien abducters targeting people with connections to the supernatural. 🤔
[Q] The whole story is just strange! The weather, your parents, [your neighbors]... and the irony (sort of) of how your dad is among the, let's say 5% of people who vouch for the existence of mermaids and the efficacy of witchdoctors, but is likely not among the let's say 1% of people who would be prepared to believe that nonhuman creatures used an interdimensional time bubble to create a secure environment in which to kidnap and assault a human child, and so probably you can't even tell him. I guess to some extent, your whole life has been fairly strange compared to others in your home town, huh?
[A] yeah it is kinda strange, ive never really throughy about it like that lol, my whole life's been pretty weird
[Q] Do you think [your neighbors] are somehow in cahoots with, being used by, being possessed by, the beings who attacked you?
It's just crazy that possible "agents" of the, ahem, reptilian rapists, would be living across from your own home!
So you think [your neighbors] are linked to Alpha draconians but don't know how?
[A] about [my neighbors], i think theyre soulless beings. im not really sure what purpose they serve, other than to creep me out. they definitely have something to do with the reptilians, that much is obvious, but what? theyre always looking at me, but they don't do anything other than that. maybe theyre possesed.
[Q] Do you beleive you know what species of being attacked you? Is that a species whose members are known to live as humans?
[A] they were definitely draconians! there isn't really a certain species that shapehifts and one who doesn't (apart from the albino alpha Draconians, they never shapehift) they all possess that ability.
idk whether they all learn it or are just born with it.
i wonder if theres a Draconian school lol, i have alot more questions i wanna ask ETs but i haven't been able to astral project in a while
[Q] Also, your story i think is really significant in terms of that you developed supposed symptoms of OCD or psychosis or whatever. Part of the theory of aliens and all the rest, as you probably have heard, is that in many instances, mental illnesses are manifestations of unusual interactions of "is-be"s and biological bodies, or are trauma responses to hidden traumas, and that psychological diagnoses and treatments have been used to control and abuse witnesses of paranormal events and that even the other beings have been complicit sometimes. [...]
[A] yeah, i definitely think that the reptilians and other aliens are responsible for alot of mental illnesses on this planet. alot of it has stuff to do with the food, the chemtrails etc
[Q] does it seem to you that, as allegedly happens with other alien abductions, that in that instance when you were 8, that they made a mistake and that you were "supposed to" not remember the incident at all? Because I'm wondering --- and I know this is an awful thought --- why would you keep waking up weeks or months afterwards with bruises and metallic taste? All just after-effects from that one time? Like the time warping or other exotic phenomena rubbed off on you or something? ORRR... was each additional instance of waking up with unknown bruises, etc. a result of travels/experiences in your sleep, including perhaps deliberate actions by the beings?
[A] wow, that is a really chilling thought, i had never even considered that! and its totally possible . both theories are plausible, it does make sense that the time warping caused such extreme effects... but the latter makes even more sense. wow. thats something to think about...
[Q] So if [some people in Nigeria that know your family] generally believe in supernatural or spiritual beings, maybe they might find it plausible that some of them committed an attack in your town?
[A] i don't really know if i would've been believed, even people who believe in aliens may find my story hard to believe
[Q] [...] But this is almost like... so your dad and mom when you were little, introduced you to [your neighbors] and you felt uncomfortable with them even prior to the incident but while but they seemingly charmed your parents. [...] you and your dad are kind of steeped in an awareness of esoteric and supernatural or ethereal concepts, including reptilian humanoids (all of which you, and many others, connect to the so-called extraterrestrial/galactic reality but which your dad doesn't ). [your neighbor]'s voice[s] appeared near the reptilians when they created a time bubble or whatever and attacked you. They were then watching you the next day. They continue to watch you and creep you out even recently. At some point you began to connect the beings [...] and to the Draco Reptilians from Draco constellation and the alleged reptilian shapeshifters masquerading as humans. There's a few odd coincidences there...
[A] sorry i can't seem to find the coincidence youre talking about, i read it over and over, its probably so obvious and i just can't process it rn
[Q] Yeah sorry, I wasn't very clear haha. I guess I can't put my finger on it either but like... okay I guess what I'm saying is that one could see a conspiracy here. [Neighbors] are somehow in league with... (I'm trying to find a neutral descriptive term that's not gratuitously coarse) reptilian rape tourists... and they ingratiate themselves with your parents, make sure that your parents won't take kindly to random accusations by you of sick criminal associated behavior on their part, and then they assist the reptilians with assaulting you, bringing you back home to the inside of your garage (with the garage door closed when you it was over and came to? Did they magic/teleport you in, or did they know the garage code?), and check in on you and keep an eye on you... like they were planning it for a while and like the whole thing is like an extended or ongoing operation... like that's the theory that the details of the story lend themselves to. It's just like... why? [... were they] just trying to pretend it was for the good of their species (like the Greys are often said to say)? Or did they ask because in their "system" you answering the question at all is some kind of consent? (These are just rhetorical questions bc obviously you don't know what was in their heads, but it's what I was trying to get at with that comment.)
[A] to think that this is all some super planned out operation is kind of a bone chilling thought. the theory is very plausible, but im starting to think i know why.
[...] they chose me for a reason. im going to try my best to type out an explanation that makes sense and send it to you when im done. [...]
[Q] I have something I want to go back to because I feel like I still don't understand . How do you know they were reptilians? I guess maybe what I mean is how do you define reptilians? Because when a lot of people, including people who believe in aliens and all the rest, say "reptilians" they are referring to what these videos and lots of others show/talk about: [Link to Richard Bruce reptilians videos]. Celebrities who are actually supposedly reptilians who are exposed occasionally through video glitches or because their emotions made their reptilian features momentarily come out (in their pupils, hands, skin, teeth, etc.)
But there's another story that I'm not sure is reconcilable with that one, which is that basically a lot of these people sort of like made a deal with spiritual entities who basically have a reptilian style and think reptilian physical bodies are cool but there's no actual full physical transformation.
and of course there's lots of disagreement on their morphing, whether its technological or innate ability,
and then a lot of (in my opinion) mysteries about the logistics, like how do the babies get born, are the doctors and nurses also reptilian and everyone manages to hide the infant until he/she learns to stay human, etc. and these could all even be like different groups of shapeshifting beings on earth, coexisting, and the ones that assaulted you could be one of them or could be none of them...
So basically I don't want to cast aspersions on all of the groups that may be referred to as reptilians because there are probably communities of each of them and they don't all share the same values, as well as being separated by thousands or millions of generations of divergent evolution in many ways
[...] I guess I would say they were "reptoid" (clearly) but beyond that we don't know much more about them, who they're related to, what species they are, where they are from, etc. not even their names or anything.
I'm wondering if maybe you learned something else about the beings (in general) that you call reptilians and later on linked it to the ones that assaulted you? or if someone (like an ET) who was aware of what happened told you specifically that they were reptilians from a specific star system, or something like that
[A] i originally didnt know they were reptilians, like when i was talking about the aftermath, i nver once referred to them as reptilians/draconians because i had never heard of that term before.
Heres how i first heard the term: i was 12 and I was watching some random late night comedy show -might have been jimmy fallon or some other guy, dont remember. There was a laugh track and then he said something along the lines of “next thing he’s gonna start believing in lizard people” i didnt know why, but those words interested me so much. It soon went on break but i stayed until the end of the show to see if they’d bring it up again but they didnt.
The next day i went to the library (i didnt have a computer at this point) and watched lots of [y*utube] videos on lizard people/reptilians. Back then yt wasnt as censored as it is now, when you search for reptilians it shows you vids on reptilians, but now, when i search up reptilians on [y*utube], its just some joe rogan clip or sumth. Anyway, i put two and two together and found out that it was the reptilians/lizard people who assaulted me. I called them lizard people for quite a bit. Then i kinda.. stopped caring.
When i was 15, i started to take an interest in witchcraft and voodoo. I was inexperienced asl, didnt do proper research and did some pretty stupid and dangerous things. Anyway, i joined a witchcraft group on amino, and i remember i saw a post that was talking about exorcism witchcraft. Someone in the comments asked “can we exorcize reptilians/draconians?” and i was sent on another trip down the rabbit hole..
The reptilians are all/both of them. Both the cosmic beings in the astral realm, the celebrities, the people in the government, the people who control the world. Hollywood is run by reptilians, i’d say 98-99% of famous people/celebs are reptilians, no matter how obscure they might seem, the people that run the world- reptilians. All the politicians, presidents, etc, (well, not donald trump, he’s a pleadian that works for the draco empirel) no matter whether youre republican, democrat, liberal etc, youre voting for people on the same team, its a world stage, i’d explain more in detail but im tired. Theres an insta account, i think you’ll understand if you watch his vids, you’ll understand its @ 737__
[They also said they might be willing to answer a few questions from people. Please post questions if you have them, and I'll either pass on their response if they have one, or they'll respond directly.]
TLDR: On a summer day when they were 8, they were biking home during an unusually sudden and intense storm and sought shelter at a local pub. Inside, they heard familiar voices but saw no one.
“I pressed my nose against the glass… when I heard a gruff, throaty sounding voice. I turned around and there was a reptilian in front of me, extremely tall, maybe 7+ foot… Another reptilian, slightly taller, appeared beside him, as well as 4 smaller ones behind them.”
The beings spoke to them in English and communicated to each other in an alien language described as “like Tibetan throat singing”. The narrator was picked up and restrained. The beings subjected them to terrifying acts, and they eventually lost consciousness.
"When I woke up, I was in my garage… my lower body was soaked in multiple fluids.”
Afterward, they had severe and lasting physical, psychological, and spiritual effects.
“I would have horrible lucid nightmares and sleep paralysis… Entire days of my life would disappear; hours felt like minutes… I developed compulsions like tying and untying my laces for hours or washing my hands until they were sore.”
They also experienced unexplained bruises and marks and noted the eerie behavior of the same neighbors whose voices they heard outside the pub just before the attack, who appeared to watch them with “soulless” expressions the day after the incident.
Years later, the narrator came across references to Draco reptilians and concluded these were their attackers.