Debating on having a third child.....

I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. But i keep bouncing back between yes and no of having a third child. Little bit of background.I (33F) have successful career, happily married for 13yrs to my husband. He also has a successful career. We have 2 kids (11F) and (5M). Are not paycheck to paycheck but also can't afford "finer things" like Prada bags or fancy cars. Id say we are blessed to be comfortable (live in US) Recently I've been wanting a 3rd child, I can't tell if it just because our youngest is getting older and missing the baby stage or if I'm just not use to the amount of independence I now get with my kids being more self sufficent. I can think of about 10 reasons on why NOT to have kids(cost, sleepless nights, less me time etc). And only 2 reasons why I do. 1) I love kids/would love a big family and 2) my husband is an amazing dad. He will help cleaning, cook and care for our kids. We try to keep the responsibilities at 50/50 but we know that same days one might be doing more than the other. Side note: husband is 100% on board for a third but leaves decision up to me because he knows it's my body that will be changed and it will be my career that will go on pause for a bit. He is also a wonderful partner during both pregnancies

When I try to get the opinions of family or close friends, It's usually a fifty-fifty split on yes Or no. so I would like to seek the help of Reddit. If you were in my shoes, would you go for the third child?Why or why not?