Food refusing

Idk if I’m here to vent. Or for advice. Or just to be heard.

She’s never really been a fantastic eater. Like barely ever finished a whole bottle of formula. When starting solids she wasn’t that interested for a long time. I always try really hard to keep it a low pressure environment.

My kid didn’t gain any weight from 12m-15m. She’s in the 36th percentile. 15 months a whopping 20 pounds. Usually, she was in the 45-50th percentile. But she obviously dropped this time.

So now… of course I am worried. I mean it’s literally 2 bites the rest on the floor. So then I remove her from the table and she doesn’t care. She just goes about her day, or sometimes cry for me while I’m still eating. The only things she doesn’t refuse to eat are pouches and a whole grain cookie. Now that there’s pressure on me, my patience in wearing thin with this. I’m worried about her iron. I’m worried if she’s getting enough nutrients. I think if I let her get hungry she’ll eat, no not really. It’s the same thing.

One pediatrician said she had a very minimal tongue tie that didn’t need to be fixed. And the new pediatrician I see hasn’t said a word about it. She is teething, but that never stops. I mean never. She’s been teething since 3 months old.

How do I not worry? Or is this valid reasoning to worry? I also don’t know if I give her something and then she doesn’t eat, should I make her a safe food (grilled cheese, crackers, smoothie)

(The irony is that she just finished a serving of oatmeal while I’m typing this.)