How's this from the performance perspective on the first video of a brand new channel?
How's this from a performance perspective for the first video of a brand new channel?
Video duration: 8 mins 23 seconds
- Views in 48 hrs: 240
- Likes in 48 hrs: 5
- Dislikes in 48 hrs: 1
- Impressions: 162
- Impressions CTR: 6.8%
- Watch time: 9.9 hrs
- Subscribers: +4
Audience retention
- Average view duration: 2:30
- Audience retention in the first 2 minutes: 33%
- Audience retention till the end: 12%
Traffic sources
- External traffic: 69.6%
- Youtube recommendations: 15.4%
- Direct: 5.4%
- Youtube search: 3.3%
- Other: 6.3%