No fluent switching of controller and Mouse/Keyboard feels painful

Hello everyone,

first off, I generally really like this game. I'm mostly a console/controller player and always have been, controller just feels much mroe relaxed for my hands and i can also dodge way better.

Now when I played LE and D4, the best thing was being able to use controller for all combat, but when i had to manage my inventory or redo skills, i would just use my mouse. Perfect switch, best of both worlds.

Now I was surprised to see in PoE2 this doesnt work at all. When i choose my character with controller, it lets me hover over stuff and read it with mouse, but i cannot click points, or drag my inventory or anything of the sort. Given how inventory management is pretty annoying with having to move certain pieces to the right slots so you might tetris fit in one more piece, it's a real pain on controller.

So please GGG, I would really hope to see any kinds of improvements in this regard - Thank you!