Dazzle, a decent answer to a melee focused Extreme encounter.
So set up an encounter for my party that was a necromancer and a ghoul. The ghoul was set up to throw out three attacks around 2 of them without map while the last was at map 10, very scary encounter for a level 10 ghoul vs 5 level 7 adventurers. The Ghoul's back up is a level 7 necromancer who would throw out support spells, damage spells, and use recall knowledge to tell his ally what the party was casting. They managed to box in the ghoul into an AoE spell that constantly dazzle those inside of it, no save and the dazzle was pretty solid in taking out about a 1/4th of the attacks the ghoul was throwing out which since it was an extreme encounter were all generally crits when hitting the players.