I've been meaning to run a game since coming over from 5E, but I'm kinda nervous about the first campaign idea. Thoughts?

For context, I've been DMing 5e since May 2020, and decided to make the switch over to Pathfinder after the Wizards AI art scandal. While I'm eager to run a new campaign, I'm worried about how the story would be received.

Basically, the idea is that the players are a team of hackers trying to break into a data vault to secure a rich family's memories before the vault is destroyed. All of the fantasy elements, including weapons, armor, enemies, NPCs are how the security system for the vault appears in cyberspace.

While the game starts out with just the goal of retrieving the memories, I've included plenty of side quests that'll help flesh things out and keep it from feeling too linear.

Even though my games have generally been received positively in the past, I'd still like to get a few outside opinions before looking for players. What're your thoughts?