What's your GM/ Player flaw?

Just thought that maybe this would be an interesting topic to discuss, on ways we can each work on ourselves for game sessions, and maybe see if there are common issues across multiple tables, from each side.

I know that as a GM I love throwing my party balls to the wall hard fights, where I want at least one person to get downed. Not because I want to see them fail, but I want the victory to just be that much sweeter, yet I also acknowledge that sometimes the party just wants / deserves a steamroll fight, to flex and feel that much more powerful, but as a GM I love when the stakes are high and they need to think about their actions, so I try to find a nice balance.

What about you? Where do you feel like you, at times, might fall short? And if you were to work on that aspect of yourself, it might make that playing experience that much better for everyone at the table?