I accidentally hurt myself on the balls with trimmer while shaving
Hi , I am 24M , i was shaving and I accidentally hurt myself with a trimmer on my balls ...i bleeded a little which stopped almost instantly ,but ever since ... I am not feeling any sensations on my penis. I can still cum, but can't move my penis at all and getting hard is out of question , it feels like my penis went numb or maybe i damaged my nerve or something , when I pull back my foreskin it remains there only doesn't move back up, I feel disconnected with my penis ...it's like my dick is dead , I can cum tho , I am not feeling any pain or no swelling is seen on the area i hurt myself on ...it's been 3 days since I am experiencing this ....can someone please suggest me what should I do? Should I visit a doctor or wait a little more for it to heal on its own?