Is feeling sick of everyone’s crap after 30 plus years as a mother a symptom of perimenopause?
I’ve always put my children and my husband first, that’s what we are supposed to do, right? Lately, though, I’ve been irritated about those things that I normally overlook or choose to live with because my marriage and family are not perfect, but there’s more good things than bad. Then, one day in about the middle of July, I changed. I was suddenly, overwhelmingly sick of everyone’s crap! Literally, why are you asking me to help you find an object thats easily findable! Or make you an appointment when you have a phone, hands, and two damn ears? Why is paying one damn bill (when I take care of all of the rest of them) too hard for you? In short, I am tired, and irritated, and I am seriously contemplating running away……kidding! Kind of. I’m just done with being all things to all people (ie. my family). Are these feelings normal?