How long should you wait to judge the performance of a financial advisor?

I changed to my wife's financial planner/advisor. My wife's records go back to June 2023. Her return since then has 11.3% when averaged out annually. I know it's only been a year and a half but that seems low considering what the market has done since then. I can't find a "growth since" calculator for a VGRO or a VEQT so I'm not really sure.

He has us invested in diversified mutual funds with 1+% MERs and his fee is 0.9%. I asked him about it and he said he has a fiduciary duty to put our needs over his and these are what all his clients use. He said he gets no financial kick back from these. Because they're actively managed, they avoid the low lows of a recession.

How long should I wait to judge someones performance? Is his good?