Does filler really come with that many side effects?
I recently got cheekbone filler,but now iam scared to continue.I got 0,5ml Hyaluronic acid filler,and although it isn’t much I see improvement and iam very happy with the results. The problem is that I’ve recently started to see a lot of videos and articles about the risks and side effects of getting filler,and now I don’t feel as good about it anymore.
At first I thought I was safe because I got hyaluronic acid filler and since it gets broken down by the body anyways I thought it was going to be safe to keep getting it.Turns out a lot of people say filler never gets completely broken down by your body,not even hyaluronic acid fillers and that scares me.I don’t want to get pillow face or have my filler migrate,but I also don’t want to stop getting any treatment altogheter.
Everyone is saying something different and I don’t know who to trust anymore,so I thought it would be a good idea to talk to people who actually have experience with fillers…So if anyone wants to share their experiences and some advice that would be very helpful 🙏