The average item quality on Dooley compared to all of the other heroes is wild to me.
I don't want to complain too hard here and I'm not a balance expert, but come on, how did these items get past any kind of internal playtesting? The weapons are a great example, but it really applies to any of the item bundles. Dooley gets access to reliable and fast full-board scaling for a single slot in Alpha Ray, and taking that into consideration, let's also make sure every weapon starts with obscene damage comparatively. Vanessa is bringing a 12 damage Cutlass at silver-tier into a fight with a 50 damage bronze Harmadillo with barely a cooldown given the ease of plopping it next to Duct Tape. Belleista next to Sharkray is a joke.
I think it's very telling that Pyg and Vanessa needed absurd and fairly easy to assemble infinite charge combos to be relevant again in the meta, and the second those were tuned down a bit, Dooley is back with a vengeance. I'm really hoping the team does a pass through the item set holistically to bring things a little more in line.
EDIT: Updated “playtesting” to “internal playtesting” because boy do we passionate card game players love semantics.