Advice Needed - Audio Delay only on Portal

Ok - I had asked before, but I was not technical enough with my description or example. This is a lengthy post because I am trying to give as much detail as clearly as I can in search for help.

When using the PS Portal, there is a significant audio delay between input/video and sound. To clarify, button press and video response are virtually identical, but the audio sound effect of say the XMB or in game action is about 1 second behind. This is being done all on in-the-house local network.

I do not believe it is an issue with my network setup, or my network hardware. I also do not believe that this is a "to be expected" issue since if there would be delay, it should be BOTH audio and video to input, not just audio. This was also tested with another streaming device to the PS5 (detailed below).

What my setup is for Technical Clarification:

  • Eero 6 Pro Mesh Wi-Fi, with primary node as router. This Primary node is hard-wired into a Gigabit Network Switch.
  • The other two mesh Wi-Fi nodes are hard-wired to the Gigabit switch as well for Ethernet Backhaul.
  • The PS5 is Hardwired through CAT6 (gigabit line) directly to the Network Switch
  • The PlayStation Portal is connected to the 5ghz band of the Mesh Wi-Fi (this has been tried by connecting to both the strongest node, and the Primary router node)
  • The PS5 Network tests with ~800mbps DOWN and ~50mbps UP speeds - ISP is fiber optic (not that this should matter since this is all internal LAN testing, not out of house/distance play)
  • Tests were conducted with both the Television On (as a comparative) and off.

How I have Tested with NO improvements (Observable delay in Video/Input to Audio) (Tests done alone and in combination):

  • In the configuration stated above
  • Turning off the additional Mesh nodes
  • wiring the PS5 to the Node that the Portal is connected to
  • Unplugging the HDMI on the PS5
  • Factory Resetting the Portal
  • Connecting the Portal on Guest Wi-Fi
  • Changing Ethernet Cables
  • Disabling IPV_6
  • Network Restarts/Updates
  • 3.5mm Headphones plugged into the Portal
  • Changing audio format settings (DTS, PCM, Atmos, Dolby)

How I have Tested with "technically" improved audio:

  • Wireless headphones DIRECTLY from the PS5 Console, circumventing the audio of the Portal
    • This I do not count as a solution because it's just a detour around the hardware problem

Why I believe this is an issue with either the device itself, or a setting somewhere that I have missed is because I did a control experiment with another streaming handheld. the Logitech G-Cloud.

Comparative Test - Logitech G-Cloud with PSPlay Application:

  • Android OS, with Paid version of PSPlay app (Also tested Chiaki), with default configurations
  • Video/Input sync equal to that of PS Portal - no observable delay or lag.
  • Audio to Video/Input sync has NO observable lag, is on par with direct to Television.

Attached is a video demonstrating the delay between button press/display and audio sound effect (showing XMB for simplicity). The first half is of the Portal, the second is of the G-Cloud. You can clearly see the delay on the Portal, and how there is none on the G-Cloud. Youtube Link if video doesn't load

After all this, if you are still reading and interested in giving actual feedback, would you conclude:

A) The Portal is NOT functioning as "designed", and there is a setting or change I need to make that is not listed above (please write out).

B) The Portal is NOT functioning as "designed", and the device is defective.

C) The Portal is functioning as "designed" and is inferior to a 3rd party product running a 3rd party app.

D) Other (please write out).

Video Example (Sound on)