It’s happening (induction in progress)
Some background: My due date is Jan 5 and I’m a ftm. So far everything has gone well this pregnancy. I passed my glucose testing, have not gained more than ten pounds, no hypertension… etc etc. however, baby was breech up until 37 weeks when we opted to try the external cephalic version and to everyone’s shock, it worked. However that was also the first time a scheduled induction was mentioned due to my weight. I kind of thought it would get brought up but never was, but perhaps since bb was breech this whole time it didn’t matter cause we would have scheduled a c section anyway.
So we scheduled the induction for Jan 3
Yesterday (Jan 1) i felt slight decreased movement not in kick counts but in strength. Tried the cold water and laid on my side blah blah and still bb felt lazy. Went to the hospital for an nst and bpp and he passed but it took the whole half hour. The doc checked on me after and said because we had the induction scheduled to definitely keep it, but I had an appt the next day anyway and to go to that as well.
Went to the appt on 1/2 and saw the doc on call this weekend and talked about how the process would go. She mentioned outpatient and all the alternative methods we’ll try before pitocin and I felt really good leaving the appt
Well I guess the on call from the other day also asked the hospital to move up my induction which freaked me out and after a panic attack and pep talk from my husband, and we opted to go for it, so here’s how it’s been:
Checked in at 6pm Got settled and into a room in about ten mins Got bb on monitors and an nst He was dipping a little so got a bolus IV and he did better (so clearly just dehydrated?) Got my first cervical exam. Not the worst, certainly not the best, also started spotting. At 1cm 20% -2 Got the doc cleared for cytotek at 9:30 Started cramping about an hour later and attempted to get a mobile monitor. Apparently my next door neighbor has one and it’s on Bluetooth so our signals may have interfered so I couldn’t use it. I have beef with the person who designed these monitors to not be on a trolley. Second dose of cytotek at 1:30a and waiting for another check any minute now and hoping to be discharged to labor at home for some time. Mentally preparing for the cervical exam.
Update #1: no change after one and half doses of cytotek and bb seemed sleepy so getting more fluid, however nurse thinks I’m starting to have my bloody show. Now googling what that is lol
Update #2: sent home for the weekend and having the inpatient induction scheduled for 8pm Monday night. Hoping to go into labor before that !
Update #3: mucus plug came out 1/5 on my due date. Hoping for good vibes and progression
Update #4: checked in at 8pm on 1/6 and started cytotec. Started having mild contractions of course and 16 hours of meds. By the end I went from 1cm 50% -3 to 5.5 cm 50% -2ish. So good progress! Took a walk and ate and trying to avoid pitocin but might need some in an hour so wish us luck!
Hoping it goes smooth here on out also. I have hardly slept cause these beds are god awful and have been cramping and contracting, hopefully real ones and not false ones but they don’t really last long enough to know and aren’t increasing in patterns.
Happy to answer any questions and asking people who went through this some as well:
1: how many ripening agents were you given before something worse like a foley balloon 2: did you opt for a membrane sweep 3: how long did they let you try other things before pitocin
TLDR; currently spent almost ten hours in an induction but mostly uneventful