Anyone else enjoy, and sometimes even prefer, playing against Meta decks like Celebi, Gyarados, Mewtwo, and Pikachu?

I play almost exclusively off meta decks and I personally really enjoy testing myself and my decks against the meta. I understand it’s frustrating feel like you had no chance in a match against a meta deck, especially if it’s RNG heavy like Celebi or a 3 or 4 heads Misty on Gyarados, but don’t you want to be able to beat the best decks?

I’m also just not onboard with the Celebi hate. I don’t play it, but people play it because they’re having fun and winning, how could you blame them for that? Many meta decks are basically unbeatable when they hit their evolutions on curve, but they won’t always do that.

Git gud, give thanks, have fun.

Edit: Just to be clear I also thoroughly enjoy playing against off meta decks and those often end up being some of my favorite matches. I just like being able to hold my own against the Meta when I queue into it and beating meta with off meta always feels good, unless it’s a gimme round