Prismatic Release and Scalper Hate Announcement! (META)

Do you all really like hearing the complaints? The front page of the sub is kinda lame right now. So much so that I made this reminder.

Lots of people are excited this week with lots of reasons. Prismatic came out, blooming waters boxes came out, Battle together preorders, exclusive promo announcements left and right, etc. Some people got things, some didn't, the real thing that we should remember is that the Pokemon TCG community is not only a single set or chase cards. There are over 100 sets spanning 25 years, several languages, and a whole game that these cards can be used for.

There has been a lot of posts that are breaking rules this week. Please make sure you read the rules and stick within the guidelines to not have posts moderated or receive potential bans.

This sub is a catch all sub and all aspects of the hobby are able to be posted on here. Sometimes its an amazing collection goal, sometimes its a question of the game, and sometimes its someone who only is focused on the money. Dont forget, everyone starts somewhere and no one was looking to like pokemon this much when they started. But it happened to a lot of people and it keeps happening. So if one part of the hobby isn't for you anymore, try finding a different part that you can enjoy.

As far as scalping product goes, please avoid it. Suggest to everyone to avoid it. It sucks to not be able to find some product but not everyone is going to get all the products released by design. Buy what works for you, collect what works for you, if you want to help then dont buy from Scalpers or from Rip'n'shippers, buy from trusted shops (local if thats who that is). If you have more issues then take it to Pokemons customer service and hit on the contact us link they have, tell them your issues.

It wont get better if everyone just complains on reddit. Whether they do something or not, you can at least try.