Where are all the "sometimes my students are really cool" posts?

Not to pollyanna in a shit job market, but it would be cool to see some threads here about students being thoughtful / impressive / surprising / actually learning / actually reading etc, rather than just students being shitheads. Like, I will complain about the pay gap between adjuncts and full professors all day, but even though I do have plenty of students who try to use AI or are just on their phones all day, most of my students are actually pretty cool and trying to learn? I'm just not paid enough to teach them. (I've only taught at two unis so I've maybe gotten luck but I have friends who teach elsewhere and they often have good experiences to share as well.)

Would also love to see examples of successful things people have done to get students to pay attention / to navigate shortening attention spans / etc. Maybe an *uplifting* flair tag?