Did anyone ever become the ‘heroic psychotic,’ a particular manifestation of psychosis where the sufferer thinks that they are vastly morally superior to everyone else and where they actually do good deeds often?

Hello, all! I was trying to describe the overall nature of my psychosis and realized ‘heroic psychosis’ best describes the gist of it. You know, I thought of myself as a hero and did prosocial things, such as when I was heading out cash to passersby in the city streets as part of my way of telling the second woman I stalked that I am the archangel Uriel.

I think having heroic psychosis can be problematic because it delays getting a diagnosis because of how prosocial you are. Having heroic psychosis makes people overlook your eccentricities because of your good deeds and perceived nature. I remember I was every cop’s dream in handling a schizophrenic: I was pleasant and very cooperative.

On the other end of the spectrum, we have what I call ‘antagonistic psychosis,’ a particular manifestation of psychosis where the sufferer acts in antisocial ways. I feel that antagonistic psychotics get diagnosed way sooner than heroic psychotics on average.

What do you think?

Were you the heroic psychotic, or were you the antagonistic one?

What was your experience like?

Thanks for taking part.