[PubQ] Query an agent who technically doesn’t accept my genre, but lists my comp book as a favorite?
I am interested in submitting my New Adult/Horror manuscript to an agent who accepts New Adult and Fantasy & Fantasy-Magical Realism. However, the agent’s MSWL is giving me pause. On it they state they do not accept horror, but they go on to list Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo as one of their favorite books, which is also my comp. They also list some TV shows that they like that include elements of horror (Yellowjackets & Haunting of Hill House). They also list that they like ghost stories as a subgenre, which my manuscript is (possession story with overall light horror, it’s not any scarier than Hill House IMO).
Do I attempt to classify my book as maybe Fantasy (technically Ninth House is) and submit or not even bother?