[PubQ] What should I do now?
Hi PubTips! Firstly, I’m deeply grateful to have discovered this community—I’ve learned so much just by reading all the incredible letters and critiques here.
I spent two years working on my first ever novel manuscript (Upmarket/Women’s Fiction) and excitedly kicked off querying two weeks ago! I currently have 6 full requests out after querying 18 agents, and think I should wait before sending any more. My fingers are so crossed (my DREAM agent has a full ugh) and I’m hoping to hear from someone…anyone soon.
I was writing/editing furiously for two months straight trying to get the novel ready and now that I’m in the waiting game of it all, I’m feeling very “…well, what do I do?”
I have two other book ideas (one Upmarket/Women’s Fiction novel, one Pop Culture non-fiction essay collection) in the chamber but should I wait to see how querying goes before choosing which one to write, hopefully getting the chance to speak with an agent about the right next step? Do they do that, especially if it comes to potential two-book deals? (Not sure how those work lol)
Of course, I would be thrilled to write either one but I feel like I’d love some insight on what would be best for the market/more publishable before diving in again and I feel like an agent (or even PubTips!) would be a helpful compass.
Truthfully, I think I just bittersweetly miss having a writing project that keeps me up at night. But curious what you all have done during this in between.
Thank you so much, all :)