Am I too late for Biology/Computational Science REUs? Need sanity check

Hey y'all—hope all is well.

I have a list of REUs I’m interested in, but I’ve got a lot of incomplete applications, especially w/r to essay drafts. Not sure if I should keep pushing forward or if I’m too late to the game, so to speak.

Looking for some reassurance and sanity—are there any Biology/Computational Science REU programs that would still accept a submission in mid-to-late February? I know the general timeline runs from Jan–March, but I need to explicitly check deadlines, dig into the REU site pages for info, and email site supervisors to clarify.

My plan:

  • Look into timelines explicitly
  • Check the REU site pages for details
  • Email site supervisors for clarification
  • Research how past applicants tailored their applications
  • Draft my personal statement
  • Gather and analyze essay prompts
  • Break things down into manageable steps
  • Take it one day at a time and just get it done

If anyone has been in a similar boat or has insight into late-cycle REU acceptances, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!