Character sheet design feedback
UPDATE : I have shared an updated version of the sheet in the comments ! Please check it out ;)
A few months ago, I've started to work (erratically) on the character sheets for my homebrew system + setting combo, wich I nicknamed Olympus for the time being.
Olympus has a Sci-Fantasy setting, promoting adventures on a mysterious planet, (the aforementionned Olympus) whose colonists have lost contact with the rest of the galactic federation, having to fend for themselves without much outside help.
Mechanics-wise, Olympus is heavily inspired by systems such as D&D 3.5 and Warhammer, with a 1d10+bonus (roll over set difficulty) resolution mechanic for most situations.
I have managed to place all of what I consider player-important info on a sheet composed of 3 pages; Here They Are. If there are any problems with the wording involved, these are because english is not my mother language, and they are directly translated from french (with which I work).
Underlying mechanics nonwithstanding, I would love to hear how some of the fine folks here feel about them. Are they easy to read, intuitive and concise, or hard to read, confusing and bloated ? Feel free to add any feedback you deem necessary :)