Children can not choose their gender.
How in the hell are parents giving their kids hormones. They are just killing them and confusing them slowly under the guise of their supposed love. I see it as the opposite of love and more like laziness, neglect, and the indoctrination of instant gratification which will lead to many other problems over the course of their lives. 18 at the earliest for hormone blockers and even then a serious understanding of the psychological changes that will occur needs to take place.
Edit: I’ve done my best to read the literature and studies published pertaining to this issue. This all started as I learned a few things about a certain jr. High student. I will admit that I was a tad emotional at times in some responses that may have clouded my point and that it didn’t get any of us closer to any conclusion. Most comments I’ve read were the same and only there to illicit emotional responses instead of discussion which gets us all back to where we started. With all that said my heart goes out to the kids and families dealing with this issue no matter what or who the culprit may be. I hope they find peace in whatever decision they choose. I still stand firm on the thought that no healthy children should be deprived of their body’s natural progression of puberty and to do so is harmful to the child’s metal and physical state. I’ve never had a post gather any attention and this has actually been pretty cool to see. Thank you all for your opinions and I pray everyone to be healthy and thrive in this chaotic world of different perspectives, ideas, and emotions. May we all find contentment in our own unique life situations.