Good pc to run RDO?

I’m coming into some money this week and was looking forward to buying RDO off of steam for my laptop. I’ve been playing on console this whole time and always wanted to hop on pc. Although, I’m not sure if my pc could run it which is why I’m asking.

I own a Lenovo non-gaming laptop, I have no clue what model it is but I know it’s not a gaming laptop for sure. It runs some games well like ultrakill but struggles a bit with Minecraft shaders, etc. So, I’m wondering if this bad boy could run a game like RDO and still be fine or if I should just save up that money to buy an actual pc that could run the game.

Also, if you could put some affordable gaming pc suggestions that’d be great. I can’t exactly afford the best ones but as long as it can run well, I see no problem.