QC help VSF datejust 41 wimbledon

  1. Dealer Name : Hont
  2. Factory name: VS
  3. Model name (& version number): 126334
  4. Price Paid: $588
  5. Album Links: https://imgur.com/a/9WVzkWb
  6. Index alignment: maybe tilted but it's due angle
  7. Dial Printing: Looks good to me
  8. Date Wheel alignment/printing: centered
  9. Hand Alignment: Looks Good
  10. Bezel: no problem
  11. Solid End Links (SELs): not quite understand
  12. Timegrapher numbers: +4 s/d, 252, 0.2. Amplitude seems on low side.
  13. Anything else you notice: Many reviewer choose clean over VS due the bracelet. Does the bracelet looks sharp?