QC VSF panda Daytona 4801
- Dealer name: non-TD
- Factory name: VSF
- Model name (& version number): 4801 Panda Daytona
- Price Paid: $450
- Album Links: https://a202011031610140340343729.wsxcme.com//static/index.html?t=1737014311#/theme_detail/_dQDQDeuuk1-IvX_Wt6VGFafRk2fwK6LlxyhpiFg/_dmHQDbW9sApPW-lmGa8ySsQJc6QfnspVQnZAKzw
- Index alignment: the 6’oclock marker looks misaligned. However, I’m not sure if this is the angle the photo was taken, or perhaps the lighting. I’d be grateful for a second opinion on this
Dial Printing: Good
Date Wheel alignment/printing: No date wheel
Hand Alignment: Good
Bezel: some ?dirt next to the ‘120’ on the bezel. I’ll have retake another photo
Solid End Links (SELs): No issues
Timegrapher numbers: + 9s/d, 293, 0.0, 52 degrees, 28,800
Anything else you notice: Main concern is the 6 o’lock marker.
- Dealer name: non-TD
- Factory name: VSF
- Model name (& version number): 4801 Panda Daytona
- Price Paid: $450
- Album Links: https://a202011031610140340343729.wsxcme.com//static/index.html?t=1737014311#/theme_detail/_dQDQDeuuk1-IvX_Wt6VGFafRk2fwK6LlxyhpiFg/_dmHQDbW9sApPW-lmGa8ySsQJc6QfnspVQnZAKzw
- Index alignment: the 6’oclock marker looks misaligned. However, I’m not sure if this is the angle the photo was taken, or perhaps the lighting. I’d be grateful for a second opinion on this
Dial Printing: Good
Date Wheel alignment/printing: No date wheel
Hand Alignment: Good
Bezel: some ?dirt next to the ‘120’ on the bezel. I’ll have retake another photo
Solid End Links (SELs): No issues
Timegrapher numbers: + 9s/d, 293, 0.0, 52 degrees, 28,800
Anything else you notice: Main concern is the 6 o’lock marker.