Will I blow up? First time pressure pot
Hi all, I've been into resin casting for almost a year now and for Christmas decided to get me a pressure pot. Only to find out the barometer is broken and seems kinda impossible to replace it as I can't see to get it out it's threads. Anyway, I decided to try a first test for casual dices in the pressure pot trying to do the math on my own about psi/time/volume etc. I'm pretty sure pressure pots don't blow up but my mother keep telling me about it and now I'm getting worried. What realistically happens if you put too much pressurized air in it? I kept my compressor at 45psi per 8 minutes, is it too much? Do you have any way to calculate how much air is going inside? I'll for sure find a way to replace the barometer as soon as the weekend is over but I'm kinda worried for today. I'm supposed to leave it there curing 4 more hours. Thanks in advance for any answers!