I've noticed powerscaling making a comeback on the sub. Do your worst, God avatars. (Read desc)

Ello, FunnyMan/Lancelot here. I doubt you guys remember me, happy if you do tho.

Anyways. Powerscaling and op avatars have made a little come back, from what I can see.

So, dear God avatar owners, send your op avatar and a list of their abilities and feats against the 4 Ruler Deities.


  1. No boundless/omnipotent characters as they completely invalidate everything.

  2. No judging people for how op they are. Same goes for me. Neither me or others are allowed to judge.

  3. If possible, use lore to back yourself up. Not necessary, but would help your odds a little.

The Ruler Deities you will be fighting are:

Lord Isaac

Queen Datura

King Enoch


And Singularity Zone Solace

Best of luck.