Don’t Buy Bobsweep! (former Bobsweep employee)
Hey there! I know no one specifically asked, but for the sake of those who, like myself, do their research by searching on Reddit, I decided to throw my expertise in the ring.
I worked there as tech support for about 4 years, and in my time there, their models got progressively worse. Instead of working out the bugs of their previous models, they would just keep releasing new, half-assed models that customers would immediately call in about as soon as those models were released.
That being said, some units worked great, and for those customers, their experience has been wonderful, and I’m really happy that everything worked out for them! But it was like a 50/50 chance with every unit purchased that a customer was going to run into a major issue with it.
Their customer service carries the entire company on their backs, which is the only reason you might see good ratings for them anywhere. Their customer service is pressured to ask customers to leave positive reviews on various websites with the vague promise of perhaps one day product-testing/receiving a new model.
Anyway, that’s my broad overview of why you shouldn’t buy a bobsweep, but if anyone has any specific questions (now or in the distant future), feel free to ask!