
basically i fucked up all my olevels so far hahahaha its not that i didnt study i swear i pulled all nighters and stuff and i manage to fuck it all up sia ahahaha this is hilarious actually. initially i wanted to go Oral Health Therapy in NYP but trhe chances od that actuallt happening is 5% i wanted to go thr to pursue dentistry in the future. i am thinking of going nursing in NYP or NP now as i think its the next best case scenerio? does anyone know if am i still able to pursue dentristry in overseas university in the future?? i am not interested in NUS as we all know the acvpetanfe rate is like 3%😭😭 i just wanna have a degree in dentistry? does any polytechnic nursing students know if it is still possible to get to a dental sch via nursing in overseas uni?? i am not interested in a nursin degree at all 😭😭thanks a lot!!