So after 109 days and staking...
So after 109 days of staking.. I've earned a whopping $0.076 cents in xshib... I'm sorry but this is more then a let down IMO.. Honestly I could care less about Ryoshis... Give me that in XSHIB and you would have much more people staking IMO.. I should also point out.. That this is with over 100+Mil staked. At this rate we're looking at $0.28 profit for the year -_-
YTD: 1.0910 BONE | 0.0005 WETH | Ryoshis 70,750,214.4522 that = $10.52 according to
What is the community's thoughts on staking so far.
AND don't be a nitwit and down vote it because I'm not on my knees with my mouth open.. Let's a an intellectual chat about this. That is XSHIB.