Brooklyn vs DC vs Chicago- where to move?

Hi there! My significant other and I are incredibly unhappy in the area that we were born and raised in we don’t experience seasons and it’s hot about 6 to 7 months out of the year with blazing temperatures. You guessed it- Arizona. We enjoy city vibes, value walkability and green spaces, we want 4 seasons, we enjoy diversity, we like proximity to water (i.e. lake, sound, coastal). Each of these cities currently offer more in our sectors of work than the location that we currently live in. Our biggest goal is to move to a place with opportunity for growth and to start a family, and hopefully, eventually, buy a home. We are considering Brooklyn, DC and Chicago. Anyone have any idea on which is the strongest contender? I understand buying a home in the cities can be challenging and we are very much open to starting a family and raising kids outside of a city so our goal is to find a nice place to live maybe for the next 3 years and a place that has really great nearby suburbs for when we’re ready to settle down. We’ve been to NYC in the winter together twice, I’ve been to both Chicago and DC multiple times (and we’ve both been to Seattle!) . If anyone has suggestions outside of the above listed cities, your comments are also welcomed! Very excited to hear back from you.