Anyone can’t do Aquarius people?
I know Scorpios can be controlling. I tend to be controlling in situations that involve ME, and I will try to control whatever I need to in order to prevent myself from being hurt, or taken advantage of, but I have found that Aquarius people can be so incredibly bossy, and inject themselves in situations that don't involve them, simply because they think they know better. Their intellect causes them to have the biggest god complex of all the zodiacs. They can't be told anything, and if you try to tell them something they already know, they do this annoying thing where they let you think you are sharing something new and profound with them, while silently judging you in their mind, feeling like they are doing cherity work by allowing you to think you are teaching them something. They are only competitive with themselves, and view everyone else as intellectually beneath them. It makes it very hard to have a normal, healthy relationship with them. They think they know best. Get over yourselves! Other people have just as valuable things to offer. Fricken cosmic weirdos!