What foods cannot be eaten while on semaglutide?
Been considering speaking to my healthcare provider about getting a prescription, but I hear there are bad reactions to some foods and some possible bad side effects. It makes me want to wait until it’s been further tested and refined as with many new release medications. Don’t need to rush into anything exactly. Edit: What’s with the down votes? I’m reasonably researching about a medication instead of just jumping into the pool. Also edit: I’m in Canada. Without type 2 diabetes sema was not available until early this year. So it is newer to us Canadians. I first heard of it on a podcast last year and it was not available at the time here. It sucks to hear many can’t consume alcohol, I make mead and wine in small batches and enjoy a few drinks every few weeks. And I drink a lot of coffee, I’d hope I can keep my coffee habit. Thank you everyone for your input on this thread! I’m probably going to give it a try. I’m hoping it will be covered by my medical insurance.