Tell me I’m dramatic
I’m on my 2nd week of 10 units and I can’t keep anything down at night. Everything I eat doesn’t DIGEST. Every night I throw up undigested food that’s accompanied by disgusting sulfur smelly burps. I read some people get relief with pepto bismol, zofran, gasX, ACV, protein shakes, injecting in a different site and I tried it… and it helps my nausea symptoms or the belching but not this damn undigested food. The zofran is amazing at telling my brain to not feel sick but now I get cramps and pressure in my stomach that leads to vomiting.
I’ve been drinking electrolytes and water like mad to combat the dehydration. Only “food” that doesn’t come up is a boost 🙃. And I baby that bottle all day.
Tell me I’m dramatic and everything will be fine.