Common questions from family when you announced?

Hi everyone! My husband and I are planning to start telling family about the pregnancy after our 8 week scan, so just over a week’s time if all goes well!

One thing we wanted to figure out in advance is how much we plan to share and how we will answer the questions we get, so we don’t accidentally say something the other one doesn’t want to be shared yet (or go deer in the headlights!). I figured I’d come to here to crowdsource some advice on what to expect as I’m sure it will be helpful for others too. So those who already announced or are second time parents, what questions did you get that we should prepare for?!

Ones on my list already: -How long did you try for? -Do you plan to find out the gender? -Will one of you be giving up work? -What names are you thinking about?

Bonus question, what are you planning to share vs keep quiet at this stage?