Increased menu prices

Our restaurant has increased the prices of everything on the menu by $1/$2 dollars, due to inflation. It seems like a lot of restaurants have been doing that recently. Anyways, I had a couple customers point out the fact that some menu items are a couple dollars more then usual. I tell them that it’s due to inflation and they seem frustrated. I just think it’s crazy people can automatically realize a $1.00 difference and get frustrated about it. I feel like I could go to my favorite restaurant and order the same thing I always get and not notice the $1.00 increase and sure as hell wouldn’t point it out to my server/or be rude about it. Isn’t it abundantly clear that everything is more expensive nowadays? There’s no way these customers don’t see the price increases at the grocery store and don’t expect restaurants to increase their prices. I feel like they just want to give us servers a hard time and I can’t fathom why.