Can someone please educate me on life after death
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh šš¼ Guru pyareo can you please educate me on the concept of life after death. Iām aware the goal of Sikhi is to connect with the One and break free from the cycle of reincarnation but I have seen on Basics of Sikhi and some other Sikhi videos where they discuss Dharam Raaj will come collect you when you die and you will get judged on 3 things : your actions, words and thoughts. Please educate me by providing some quotes too if possible. Thank you šš¼ I grew up believing and learning that heaven and hell are both on this earth but apparently there is a temporary hell where you get punished before you are reincarnated again to give you a chance to merge with God again and break free from the cycle. Please forgive me if I have said anything wrong šš¼ Bhul Chuk Maaf.