A better way to interpret the e1331 post

I know some people are upset. I know some people are still hopeful. I wanted to share… a new way of framing this post in our minds.

I have been going through a tough time in life, but today I logged into reddit, and I laughed. I laughed and I laughed at a post that truly, can’t really mean anything. This post was just the result of silence and some funny numbers from a stranger on the internet. But it brought many members of the community together in such an interesting and unique way.

We don’t have to accept it as truth of a near release date. We don’t have to accept it as a full silkpost. This is a message from someone and it does not matter who. They are saying sorry for the way things have turned out.

Somebody out there cares for this community. Somebody out there wants us to live well, despite our lack of news. It need not matter whether that somebody is TC or e1331 or an entirely different entity. No matter what, all of those people care for us. Perhaps we should interpret as that, a message of love from someone who wants this community to flourish, no matter what difficulties are thrown our way.

We are a bunch of people who like playing video games. The time for arguments between ‘believers’ and ‘nonbelievers’ should come to an end soon. In the end, we all just love Hollow Knight, don’t we?