Just checking in

Hi guys! Randomly thought of Silksong again after like a year. I've been doing other things in the meantime, you know, playing other great games, did the occasional Hollow Knight challenge run, got busy with my real life and all that. I saw this subreddit on /r/all and got reminded of the game again. Seems like there's a lot of new posts about stuff I don't understand. Anyway I guess there's news about the game? Did Team Cherry say anything about its development? Would be pretty sweet if they did, but if they didn't, oh well, I guess I'll leave and check back again in a few months. It's not like there's anything else to do about it. Really looking forward to the game. Hope y'all are having fun here with all those funny silkposts lol. Then again I doubt there's any regular posters on a subreddit of a game that doesn't exist yet haha.