[Sun Care] Help!! Skin peeling after sunburn on shoulders!

okay so i went to the beach for the first time in a while and like the idiot that i am i didn’t apply sunscreen when i went into the water for the first time, because i thought i would just quickly check the water. i ended up forgetting about the time and stayed in the water for over an hour, at like 1pm on a hot day💀

my skin became red, i obliviously took care of it with after-sun lotion and applying 55+ spf regularly for the rest of my vacation. i came back home and my skin is slowly peeling off and it is uncomfortable to touch it or sleep. (the burn in on my shoulders)

what can i do to help the healing process?? applying moisturizer makes my skin burn, and i know i shouldn’t exfoliate, so if there is anything else i can do please let me know!!!