[routine help] for acne scarring and breakouts

hi all, i’ve never posted here but have really been struggling with my skin recently and honestly don’t know what to do. my acne in the last year has gotten bad and it was never an issue before. i’m a 22 year old female, and i somewhat think it’s hormonal based on the location and sudden appearance of it but im not sure. i’ve been to the derm and they put me on arazlo, but it was terrible. i used it for around 6 months, but my skin got way worse, it was incredibly dry and my acne got terrible. my skin is incredibly sensitive, so im honestly terrified of using new products. i use panoxyl every night and thats all i put on my skin because im scared of developing a rash. i will say, i am having very few breakout, but im really struggling with redness and scarring. i’m open to any suggestions and really looking for help and products to keep my acne under control and get rid of scaring. thank you all in advance :)